The following links are listed to provide you with additional online mental health information and counseling resources. Nothing here is meant to replace personalized, professional care.
Check out my recommended therapists near you.
National Mental Health Resources
American Mental Health Counselors Association
National Mental Health Association
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Alcoholics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous
SAMHSA’S Treatment and Recovery
Addictions and Recovery
Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance
Help for Depression
Anxiety and Depression Association of America
The Anxiety Network
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
BPD Central
BPD Resource Center
National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder
Gift From Within
Trauma Survivors Network
Therapist Listings:
(Disclaimer: This information is not meant to replace mental health services, nor is it an endorsement of the content of the sites, or to serve as a comprehensive list.)
Jacksonville, FL Crisis Lines
*In Duval County you can request a Crisis Intervention Team (CIT Officer) member who has special training in assisting with those who have mental illnesses.
Jacksonville Sheriff's Office: 904-630-0500 (request a CIT officer and they can assist with Baker Act, if necessary).
Suicide Crisis Helpline - Call (904) 632-0600 or 211
UNITED WAY OF NORTHEAST FLORIDA - United Way 211 is nationally accredited by the Alliance of Information & Referral Systems (AIRS), the highest regarded information and referral accreditation program in the United States. United Way 211 is also nationally accredited by the American Association of Suicidology (AAS) and certified statewide by the Florida Alliance of Information and Referral Services (FLAIRS)
Suicide Prevention Center
(904) 868-5156
800-HIV-0440 (800-448-0440)
Florida AIDS Hotline
Jacksonville Area Sexual Minority Youth Network
904-389-3857 OR 904-389-0089
Rape Crisis Lines and Domestic Abuse Helplines
Women's Center of Jacksonville
The Women’s Center of Jacksonville is a nonprofit Jacksonville-based organization offering education, support and advocacy to survivors of all genders and ages. Each year, the Women’s Center of Jacksonville provides 300 sexual assault survivors with forensic exams. The Women’s Center of Jacksonville is the only certified rape crisis center in Duval, Baker and Nassau Counties and also offers community education, counseling, referral assistance, rape prevention services and breast cancer education, support and advocacy at complimentary and affordable prices.
5644 Colcord Ave., Jacksonville FL 32211
Crisis Line: 904.722.3000
Hubbard House - Domestic Violence
Serving Duval and Baker Counties, Hubbard House, a full-service certified domestic violence center, has answered more than 98,920 hotline calls and sheltered more than 38,200 victims and their children in its life-saving and life-changing 43-year history. The agency’s impact can be measured in suffering spared, lives liberated and tragic deaths avoided right here in the local community. And, for most victims, it all begins with a free, confidential phone call to the agency’s 24/7 Domestic Violence Hotlines.